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The Rigidbody2D class, part of the zygarde::physics::components namespace, represents a 2D rigid body in a physics engine. This component is used to apply forces, set velocities, and control properties such as drag and kinematic states.


Rigidbody2D is a final class that handles basic physical properties for 2D objects, including movement, forces, drag, and kinematic settings. It is commonly used for dynamic objects affected by physical forces.


  • velocity: A Vector2f representing the initial velocity.
  • isKinematic: A boolean indicating whether the rigid body is kinematic (i.e., not affected by forces or collisions).
  • drag: A float representing the drag value applied to the object.

The Rigidbody2D will contain the simulated movement offset after the movement system. But the movement offset will only be applied to the position after the Position System. We first need to check it with the collision system to see the real movement.

Example Usage​

using namespace zygarde::physics::components;

core::types::Vector2f initialVelocity(10.0f, 5.0f);
Rigidbody2D rigidbody(initialVelocity, false, 0.8f);

// Apply a force
rigidbody.AddForce(3.0f, 2.0f);

// Set a new velocity
rigidbody.SetVelocity(core::types::Vector2f(15.0f, 7.5f));

// Cancel velocity

// Check kinematic state
if (rigidbody.IsKinematic()) {
// Do something specific for kinematic bodies