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Client API

This API will give you all the tools you need to interact with server.
The first thing you need to do is to create a new instance of the client with the basics informations:

  • The server address
  • The server port

Next, you need to connect to the server with the Register method.

auto client = new api::Client("", 5000);

payload::Connection connectPayload = {
.pseudo = "TekMath"

bool success = client->Register(connectPayload);
if (!success)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to connect to the server.");

The API handle the TCP initialisation, the connection to the server and the confirmations between us.
Thanks Abra for the help on the API 😉.

Next, when you have get the lobby ID (the method to list lobby is not implemented yet), you can join a lobby with the following code:

payload::JoinRoom joinPayload = {
.lobbyId = 1

auto success = client->JoinRoom(joinPayload);
if (!success)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to join the lobby.");

The API will get the lobby UDP infos, connect to the UDP and reply to the server with client UDP infos.

Now, you can send and receive messages from the server.


The first Register method have a timeout of 5 seconds.
The JoinRoom method have a timeout of 10 seconds.


If you want to be sure that you are connected to the server (TCP only), you can use the method IsConnected.